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Types and Causes of Back Acne and Itching Back

Acne on the back, sometimes known as "bacne," can be extremely bothersome. Acne or pimples, no matter where they appear, can be challenging to treat. Unfortunately, having spots isn't only a teen problem. Acne can strike at any age due to a variety of factors. Pimples can form anywhere on the body, and can cause an itching back.

What Are the Different Types of Back Acne You Should Be Aware?

The types of acne lesions that can occur on your back include:

  • Whiteheads. Also known as closed comedones, they form when a plugged follicle remains closed and beneath your skin, creating a white bump.

  • Blackheads. Also known as an open comedo, it forms when a plugged follicle on the surface of your skin opens. The appearance of blackheads with black tips is caused by a reaction between sebum and air, not by dirt filling your follicle.

  • Papules. Are acne lesions that appear as small pink bumps on your skin and are sometimes tender. This type of acne has no pus and develops when a clogged hair follicle becomes inflamed.

  • Pustules. Often known as a pimple, it is a pus-filled papule with a reddish base. Inflammation in a plugged hair follicle can also cause these lesions. The pustule fills with pus due to a buildup of white blood cells.

  • Nodules. When germs become caught in a hair follicle, this type of acne develops. These lesions begin deep beneath your skin's surface, where they harden and create a big, painful nodule. The lesion's deeper location causes tissue damage, which triggers an inflammatory response.

  • Cysts. When germs become caught in a hair follicle, cysts form more prominent, pus-filled acne lesions. The infection spreads deeper into the skin with cystic acne, resulting in a painful lump that can leave a permanent scar.

What Causes Back Acne?

People have acne for various causes, so it's crucial to understand why and how acne develops.

Sebum is a type of oil produced by your body. It's made in the glands that surround your hair follicles. Sebum adds moisture to your skin and hair by moving up the hair follicles.

Extra sebum and dead skin cells combine to generate pimples. This deposit obstructs pores and bacteria on the skin. A whitehead pimple is formed when the hair follicle wall expands. Blackhead pimples appear when a clogged pore is exposed to air.

Some common causes of back acne are:

  • Genetics. Acne is a problem that might run in your family.

  • Medications. Some drugs, such as antidepressants, might cause acne as a side effect.

  • Hormones. Acne is frequently caused by hormonal changes that occur during adolescence. Pimple breakouts in women beyond the age of adolescence, on the other hand, can be connected to hormonal changes that occur during menstruation and pregnancy.

  • Sweat. Sweat can aggravate acne, especially if it is trapped under tight clothing.

  • Stress. Although stress is not a direct cause of acne, it may be a contributing factor.

  • Foods. According to some research, the foods you eat may be linked to acne. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there is some evidence that some carbs that are known to raise blood sugar levels (e.g., white bread, potato chips) can also contribute to acne. Dairy products may also be a trigger for certain people.

While most people will experience facial acne at some point in their lives, some will also struggle with back acne. Back acne is easier to hide than face acne, but that doesn't mean you have to live with it. A good skin-care routine can help reduce back acne, resulting in clearer, healthier-looking skin!

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